Copyright and media design

Are you infringing someone’s copyright?

You may be infringing someone’s copyright and not be aware of it!

It’s a scary email when you start reading that you have infringed someone elses copyright and even more so when you see the possible penalty for doing so.

Copyright can cover a number of areas but in particular we are talking about using imagery; whether that be in printed or digital media.

Finding imagery is very easy nowadays with image searches available through search engines such as Google but you need to be aware that even though an image is available on the internet this does not make it free from copyright.

You may think to yourself, it’s alright my website is small and not many people see it but there are tools now available online to search websites for copyrighted imagery as well as websites that are particularly targeted at helping people claim for copyright infringement.

One such website is – and we are starting to see a growing number of claims happening across the internet for image copyright infringement coming from this website.

We have recently been on the receiving end of a claim totalling several thousand pounds for a single image use and it is certainly a worrying time to prove your innocence.

You should always check the source of any imagery you find and make sure that it does not contain a copyright and if in doubt then DO NOT USE THAT IMAGE.

Here at Insignia Creative we take copyright very seriously and always make sure that any imagery or content we use is free from copyright or we gain the permission of the copyright owner first.

If you would like any advice on use of imagery or copyright then we would be more than happy to help and please always be careful what images you are using on your website or printed media.

We won our case proving that the image being used was actually coming from an instagram social media feed and therefore not an image being used by ourselves.

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